The Transformer

The Transformer

The need for organisations in today’s world (a report from Harvard Business News) is to become more adaptable means changing the goals of corporate learning. Instead of narrowly focusing on job- or compliance-related training for all but their high-potential leaders, organisations should cultivate every employee’s ability to explore, learn, and grow. 

Focus on learning, not the project!

Focus on learning, not the project!

To meet these goals many are focused on blended-learning, project-based learning, personal learning. Yet, if you move beyond the labels and talk about instructional practices that promote learning and how they move us toward the desired outcomes for learners, we begin to see that our beliefs and experiences don’t always translate to our practices.

How PISA created an illusion of education quality and marketed it to the world.

How PISA created an illusion of education quality and marketed it to the world.

PISA successfully marketed itself as a measure of educational quality with the claim to measure skills and knowledge that matters in modern economies and in the future world. Upon closer examination, the excellence defined by PISA is but an illusion, a manufactured claim without any empirical evidence. Furthermore, PISA implies a monolithic and espouses a distorted and narrow view of purpose for all education systems in the world. The consequence is a trend of global homogenisation of education and celebration of authoritarian education systems for their high PISA scores, while ignoring the negative consequences on important human attributes and local cultures of such systems.

The BIG Standardised FLOP!

The BIG Standardised FLOP!

Teachers have said, repeatedly, that standardised tests don’t measure what they claim to measure, and that the educational process in schools is being narrowed and weakened in order to focus on testing. Teachers have also said, that the Big Standardised Tests are a waste of time and money and not helping students get an education. Teachers have been saying it over and over and over again. In return teachers have been told, “You are just afraid of accountability” and “These tests will finally keep you honest.” WRONG!