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The Classroom Is Obsolete: It’s Time for Something New
The overwhelming majority of millions of students across the globe spend most of their academic day in classrooms. That’s a problem because the classroom has been obsolete for several decades. That’snot just my opinion. It’s established science.
Be a Game Changer
We teach who we are and we lead from the core of our being. You need, therefore, to lead from the inside-out.
Not By Rote! Open Book Exams!
Open Book Exams help to assess learner readiness, apply course content to given scenarios, analyse case studies and connect with real-life situtaions.
School exam focus leaves students ‘badly prepared for university’
Current methods of assessing children in school mean they are unprepared for the demands of higher education, a new report reveals.
Leadership can be Imperfect
Leadership can be imperfect. "In a way, imperfect leadership is the essence of professionalism. If the imperfections are COLLECTIVE rather than INDIVIDUAL, they increase the prospects of getting things RIGHT, and of taking the collective responsibility rather than...
School With No Exams
Pupils assessed on body language, academic effort ! See this article attached. "Exams create immense stress, narrows the curriculum and has led to an industry of grind schools that unfairly favour the students of economically privileged parents (Hargraves, 2024).