Navigating Ed-Tech Solutions to Maximise Impact

Navigating Ed-Tech Solutions to Maximise Impact

Ed-tech utilisation and spending are growing significantly in absolute terms and as a proportion of overall school budgets. This is happening alongside rising user expectations, increasing use of unauthorised “shadow IT”, and powerful education mega-trends that are driving increased reliance on technology. Navigating these changes is particularly challenging when selecting and deploying the core systems school staff rely on to keep each school running – their School Management Systems (SMS)1 and Learning Management Systems (LMS). These systems in particular require wholesale change across many areas of school activity, impacting users across the whole school community. Selecting and deploying the right core operating system is therefore one of the most challenging decisions facing school leadership teams today.

Teacher Agency

Teacher Agency

Agency is important for teachers because continually learning and developing sets a positive example for their students. Having agency helps teachers be positive role models and act as leaders. It empowers them to make decisions about their learning and support the growth and learning of their colleagues and students.
Student Agency

Student Agency

When students are agents in their learning, that is, when they play an active role in deciding what and how they will learn, they tend to show greater motivation to learn and are more likely to define objectives for their learning. These students are also more likely to have “learned how to learn” – an invaluable skill that they can and will use throughout
 their lives.