How many leaders does a school need? Plenty – because everyone is responsible for leading someone.

How many leaders does a school need? Plenty – because everyone is responsible for leading someone.

School leaders improve teaching and learning indirectly and most powerfully through their influence on staff motivation, commitment and working conditions. School leadership has a greater influence on schools and students when it is widely distributed. Some patterns of distribution are more effective than others.
Visible Learning

Visible Learning

For teachers to be able to regularly evaluate their impact in the classroom and adjust their teaching methodology in response to what they see, the classroom needs to be made visible. The concept of seeing clearly what teachers are teaching and what students are learning is known as Visible Learning.

AI Safety in Schools

AI Safety in Schools

The Wall Street Journal investigates how modern technologies such as AI and robotics are being incorporated into some of China’s classrooms to monitor and record student engagement levels.

The video attached investigates the use of brain wave trackers at one particular primary school, where students wear the devices as headbands which monitor levels of engagement and send detailed data to teachers and parents. A light at the front of the headband changes colour to reflect a student’s concentration levels.
But how well the technology can actually track concentration and the risk of false readings have brought the technology into question.
Why schools must be ready for the AI revolution

Why schools must be ready for the AI revolution

Over the next decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to transform almost every facet of modern business and contribute more than $15 trillion to the global economy.

However, many leaders are still unsure how to deploy AI throughout their organisation – whether that be a school, university or an entirely different kind of business – to bring about positive change.

Despite being in its early stages, AI is beginning to transform the education landscape in some powerful ways.