While the world changes quickly, education typically moves quite slowly.

While the world changes quickly, education typically moves quite slowly.

The biggest challenge for education today is breaking out of the current paradigm — the idea that 1000 hours of school class‐time each year is worth far more than the 4800 waking hours each year a kid spends out of class, as though it’s only what happens in class that’s relevant. That’s just ridiculous. We need to move to “anywhere, anytime learning,” especially as kids start demonstrating a bit more independence, responsibility and autonomy — just as they’ll have to when they leave school.’
Time to Ditch Reports

Time to Ditch Reports

The written school report and the parent-teacher interviews are products of another era when we didn’t have access to the internet and emails. Every school has their own version of the report, which can provide a lot of information or sometimes little information about a child’s progress. Then there’s the parent-teacher interview, which, in some cases, can be education’s version of speed-dating. These communication channels are usually dominated by one voice: the teacher’s.