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Singapore leads the way – no rankings, no exams!
Learning is not a competition. Singapore makes the call we all should follow!
United Nations Report
Although written in 2015, it still is worth a read. Outlines many of the pedagogies we need NOW!
Entry Scores need to go!
Crippling reforms, public distrust and an obsession with standardised testing is “unfortunately” crushing the spirit of educators and students.
Future Educator
”The future of the world is in my classroom today” – Ivan Welton Fitzwater. A great commentary from our colleague Adriano Di Prato. Read more.
What makes children learn?
"The starting point is to keep the flame of curiosity alive." Ken Robinson adds more to this in this article.
CEO’s tell us – so listen!
To prosper in this new work context, young people will need to be equipped with skills, mindsets and capabilities to respond and adapt to shifting occupational landscapes, and to be able to work across several industries. They will need to be lifelong learners who are...