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Soft Skills are NOT Soft Skills!

Soft Skills are NOT Soft Skills!

....But what if they do lose a few points on the achievement tests currently in use in education... None of those tests predict with enough confidence much about the future life those kids will live. That is because it is not just the grades that kids get in school,...

Using Comics to teach the 4C’s

Using Comics to teach the 4C’s

Students today are digital natives who need to develop the 4 Cs—critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. Comics are perfectly situated for use in developing these competencies, and they work across grade levels—a single story may have the...

Re-Think Summative Assessments

Re-Think Summative Assessments

Stop assessing everything: By everything, I mean every single content standard. In order to make a “guaranteed and viable curriculum,” we need to make strategic decisions about what is “need to know” and what is “nice to know.” This is an idea we should apply in both...

No to School Subjects!

No to School Subjects!

By 2020, instead of classes in physics, math, literature, history or geography, Finland is going to introduce a different approach to life through education. Welcome to the phenomenon based learning!

Class of 2030

Class of 2030

The ways people interact, socialise, and work are shifting rapidly. By the time the kindergartners of today become the graduates of 2030, the world will be vastly different from anything previous generations have experienced.